It has been awarded the TOP 100 2022 seal. Only particularly innovative medium-sized companies are awarded this distinction.
At the heart of the TOP 100 innovation competition is a scientific selection process that participants must undergo. On behalf of compamedia, the organizer of the competition, innovation researcher Prof Dr Nikolaus Franke, and his team examined the BEGO Group on the basis of more than 100 innovation indicators from five categories: Top Management Promoting Innovation, Innovation Climate, Innovative Processes and Organization, External Orientation/Open Innovation and Innovation Success. In principle, the TOP 100 analysis is concerned with the question of whether a company's innovations are just a product of chance or are systematically planned and thus repeatable in the future. Special weighting is given to the question of whether and how innovations and product improvements are successful on the market (further information can be found at
BEGO is one of the top innovators for the second time. Founded in 1890, the long-established German company offers dental technicians and dentists innovative equipment, instruments, materials, implants, services, and processes for the manufacture and processing of dental restorations. Owner-managed in the fifth generation by managing partner Christoph Weiss, BEGO employs around 500 people worldwide – and is continuing to grow. With Selective Laser Melting (SLM), BEGO has been a pioneer in dental 3D printing for over 20 years. In 2015, BEGO became the first company in the dental industry to launch a 3D printing system ("Varseo"), developed in-house with and for dental laboratories, for the laboratory production of a wide range of dental restorations from high-performance resins. In early 2020, the Bremen-based dental expert presented VarseoSmile Crown plus, the world's first tooth-colored, ceramic-filled hybrid material approved as a Class IIa medical device for 3D printing of permanent single crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers.
"How focused is a company on innovation? How consistently do its structures follow this goal? With TOP 100, we examine this", explains Prof Dr Nikolaus Franke, the scientific director of TOP 100. "The most innovative medium-sized companies receive the seal. It shows that they are excellently equipped to meet future challenges."
On June 24th, BEGO will additionally be honored for these achievements in person by the competition's mentor, science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar.