BEGO Implant Systems
— Science Portal —

Close Up
The Close Up concept is a tool to analyse current issues in the area of implant dentistry in much greater detail. Based on current research results, the authors of the Close Up articles provide up to date information about individual treatment concepts, design features and materials.

Clinical Cases
With our Clinical Case section we want to present to you informative situations in the implantological treatment of patients with our products. A short photostory shows you the most important stages of the treatment, including key data on the initial situation.

5th BEGO Semados® Clinical Case Award
We are pleased to invite you to participate in this year's BEGO Semados® Clinical Case Award! This prestigious award recognizes outstanding case documentation in dental implantology. It is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your clinical expertise and win great prizes!

BEGO Implant Systems – Bibliography
Science is probably the most infallible form of communication. Science is not just necessary, it is essential.
BEGO Implant Systems is committed to the continuous scientific documentation of all its system components against the backdrop of the very latest findings from the world of dental implantology.