Clinical Cases

Clinical case: CAD/CAM-fabricated zirconia restoration
This clinical case by Dr Navid Askari from Iran shows the use of the BEGO Implant Systems´ CAD/CAM positioner for intraoral scanning after osseointegration of an implant placed with the guided surgery technique and the final zirconia crown screwed onto the implant.

Clinical case: Navigated digital full mouth implant rehabilitation
This clinical case performed by Dr. Selene Kuo from Taiwan shows the advantages of the digital Implantology in cases where the patient suffers from unacceptable mastication function and teeth/soft tissue esthetic.

Clinical case: Implant placement with the BEGO Guide approach
The following clinical case was performed by Dr Monika Ziemianek from France. It shows an implant placement with the BEGO Guide approach and the installation of a temporary prosthesis.

Clinical case: Implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of an edentulous arch
The following clinical case was performed by Dr Vitor Hugo Familiar from Portugal and his team. It shows an implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of an edentulous arch with the installation of a fixed denture in the same day of the implant surgery