Varseo – materials / indications

VarseoSmile® TriniQ®

a true all-rounder that intelligently integrates into the multifaceted requirements of modern dentistry

VarseoSmile® Crown plus

The tooth-colored ceramic filled hybrid material for 3D printing

VarseoSmile® Temp

for temporary crown and bridge restorations, inlays, onlays and veneers

VarseoSmile® Teeth

The ceramic-filled 3D printing material for esthetic and durable denture teeth

VarseoWax Model

for dental models

VarseoWax CAD/Cast

for 3D printing of dental burnout objects

VarseoVest® P plus

Investment material – for casting 3D printed partial denture frames

VarseoVest® C&B

Investment material – for casting 3D printed crown and bridge frameworks