Your Free 3D Printed VarseoSmile® Crown plus Sample

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Are you curious about our 3D printing world premiere VarseoSmile Crown plus?

Then let us introduce you now to the world's first hybrid material for 3D printing of permanent dental restorations.
Simply fill out the following order form. We will send you two sample print crowns one-time free of charge.

The sample print crowns (in color A3 according to the VITA* classical shades) are already light-cured and still have supports. This gives you the opportunity to finalize one or both crowns yourself and to convince yourself of the easy processing of the material and high quality of the printed restorations. We will of course enclose a short instruction for the post-processing of the crowns with our shipment.

We are looking forward to your feedback to sampleprint©

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* This symbol is a commercial designation/registered trademark of a company which is not part of the BEGO company group.