Wirobond® C+

Cobalt-chrome restorations produced with the SLM method

  • Optimal material characteristics of a cobalt-chrome alloy
  • The SLM (Selective Laser Melting) procedure guarantees a homogeneous and extremely dense structure for secure ceramic veneering with commercially available dental ceramics (with the corresponding coefficient of thermal expansion)
  • Controlled manufacturing process – for stress-free frames and outstanding accuracy of fit
  • Nickel- and beryllium-free – no cytotoxic or allergic potential


  • Frames for partially and fully veneered restaurations with up to 16 units and up to four pontics
  • Fully anatomical crowns and bridges with up to 16 units and up to four pontics
  • Two-piece abutments
  • C&B tertiary frame
  • Retention per segment
Technical specifications
Chemical composition in %
Co 63.9 % · Cr 24.7 % · W 5.4 % · Mo 5.0 % · Si
Alloy characteristics  
Type (according to ISO 22674) 5
Density 8.6 g/cm³
0.2% elongation limit (Rp0.2) 1,090 MPa
Tensile strength (Rm) 1,315 MPa
Modulus of elasticity 215 GPa
Solidus temperature; liquidus temperature 1,380;1,420°C
Coefficient of thermal expansion (RT – 500°C) 14.3 10-6 K-1
Coefficient of thermal expansion (RT – 600°C) 14.5 10-6 K-1

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